Pit Latrine Eradication

Pit latrines pose a major problem in many parts of the world, particularly in Africa and South Africa. The lack of basic sanitation facilities infringes upon human rights, particularly for vulnerable populations such as women and children, and can lead to the spread of waterborne diseases. According to the South African Human Rights Commission, over 11 million people in South Africa lack access to basic sanitation facilities, with over 4,000 schools still using pit latrines. This lack of access to proper sanitation facilities has resulted in numerous deaths, particularly of young children. In South Africa, approximately 12.8 million people lack access to basic sanitation services, including 4.9 million who still use pit latrines. The use of pit latrines is highest in rural areas, where approximately 20% of households rely on them. This is a serious issue as pit latrines are known to be a significant cause of child mortality in the country, with an estimated 19 children dying each day from diarrhea caused by poor sanitation and hygiene practices.

Eradication of pit latrines is crucial to ensure that basic human rights are met, and strategies to address this issue include the construction of proper sanitation facilities, the use of innovative and sustainable technologies, and education on safe hygiene practices.

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